Mapping Prejudice Project Begins in Ramsay County
SAPCC will host a second virtual showing of the documentary “Jim Crow of the North” along with a guided discussion afterward. We will also send out a few questions beforehand so people can come into the event having already done some internal work and preparation!
This is open to anyone in the community! We encourage all who attend to show up openly and intentionally, willing to learn and feel uncomfortable and we will grow from that point.
This will be on Saturday February 27 at 4 pm and will conclude with some questions to reflect on what we learned and observed.
Mapping Prejudice is a team of geographers, historians, digital humanist, and community activists seeking to uncover and broaden our understanding of structural racism. They started with Hennepin County and what they found, regarding racial covenants, has lead to eye-opening understanding of the embedded structures of racial oppression in the fabric of our everyday lives and communities. They have now started to dive into Ramsay County.
As they do the work to recover documents and covenants, SAPCC wants our community to begin thinking about our place in this history and structure. TPT has created an education tool in this documentary and we invite you all to join us in watching and discussing together.
Learn more about Mapping Prejudice here.
Email emily@sapcc.org to receive the link.