The 2023 SAPCC Board!
After careful consideration, the SAPCC Board has decided to appoint the 2023 Board Candidates. Due to the recent departure of our executive director, it has been challenging to organize a SAPCC Board Election. With a small but qualified group of board applicants, it made the most sense for the SAPCC Board to appoint members to the board, rather than hold an election.
According to the most recent SAPCC Bylaws:
“Any remaining vacancies for an area or sector shall be filled by eligible participants selected by the remaining members of the delegations for such area or sector and presented to the Board of Directors for approval. A person so selected to fill a vacancy shall serve as a delegate for the remainder of the term for that vacancy.”
We encourage you to read more about the newest board members below. Please email with any questions or concerns.
North SAP Candidates
Christopher Wormington

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
My family (my husband, our daughter, and I) moved to Minnesota from Missouri in 2022. We moved here seeking a better, more welcoming place to live and raise our daughter – and we found that in St. Anthony Park! I am a customer experience professional in the health insurance industry and my husband is a physician assistant working in mental health and addiction at a clinic here in St. Anthony Park. I’m interested in serving on the Community Council because I want to advocate on behalf of our neighborhood and support a healthy, successful future. This neighbor is my home and yours, and I want it to work for all of us.
As a board member, how will you help foster the future of St. Anthony Park?
By collaborating alongside St. Anthony Park neighbors to seek out opportunities for improvements and ideas that will better our neighborhood. While it is my first year living in the neighborhood, I’ve noticed several pain points – parking, State Fair traffic, safety issues along Raymond for bikers and pedestrians – and I want to be involved in making our neighborhood a better and safer place to live and work.
Progress is always preceded by change – I want to support and honor the history and charm of our neighborhood while supporting fresh ideas for change that meet the demands of today.
Kenny Niemeyer

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
My partner and I moved to St. Anthony Park in 2022 and I have been searching for ways to get more involved in the neighborhood since then. So far, we have had the delight to attend all sorts of community events like the Luminary Festival and 4th in The Park, and I got to tend a plot in the SAP Community Garden. I would love to support the efforts of the Community Council that make these community assets possible and to be involved in long term projects that leverage my education and experience in local governance, urban planning, and affordable housing advocacy.
As a board member, how will you help foster the future of St. Anthony Park?
St. Anthony Park is part of the substantial changes happening in our city and region in terms of environmental sustainability, access to transportation, access to affordable housing, and success of locally-owned businesses. I will continue to keep myself informed on innovative and progressive opportunities related to these challenges, and to share what I know with SAPCC and the community. As a board member I will work to support positive change in our neighborhood, while ensuring the longevity of our existing and plentiful community assets.
Joy Gerdes

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m Twin Cities born and raised, and a current renter in SAP north. I was a science teacher/substitute teacher for 10 years but switched to public health during the pandemic. I am passionate about education, environmental issues, public health, and social justice.
I served as an Emerging Leader Board Member this past year on the Equity and Environment Committees. I am passionate about making the world a place where everyone’s voice is heard and we all have equal opportunity to live a healthy life of our own choosing. As a board member, I was able to organize events and build relationships in the community. I will continue to work to include all members of our community in our work by doing more to build trust and connection in both North and South SAP.
As a board member, how will you help foster the future of St. Anthony Park?
I intend to work on increasing the visibility of SAPCC and to increase public engagement in events and board meetings. This starts with relationship building to find more passionate people who want to be involved. I will support the efforts of the environmental committee to increase environmental and community health because better health for all is important and that starts with improving the environment we live in. As a renter, I will advocate for affordable housing and support efforts to improve the Board’s outreach to renters in SAP. I also feel strongly about equity and reducing barriers to entry, so I will be working to make our neighborhood a more equitable place where people have access to the things they need to live their best life.
South SAP Candidates
Kyle Anderson

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I love the St. Anthony Park neighborhood and I want to be involved in making sure St. Anthony Park continues to be a great neighborhood where everyone has the ability to thrive. I have lived in this neighborhood for ten years and I would like to stay here for as long as possible. I want to help create a neighborhood that is welcoming to a diverse population. We have so many great resources in this community and I want to be a part of connecting the residents of St. Anthony Park to these community resources.
As a board member, how will you help foster the future of St. Anthony Park?
I have served on the equity committee for two years, I have been involved in planning the ice cream social, and I have participated in other events in the community. I plan to continue to be involved in the equity committee because I firmly believe in the mission of the equity committee to make sure that all residents of St. Anthony Park have a high quality of life. I also regularly walk and bike in the neighborhood and I plan to advocate for improved bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure so that more people will feel comfortable biking and walking in our neighborhood.
What does the board do?
Our board members direct the work of the St. Anthony Park Community Council (SAPCC) and weigh in on important community issues at monthly meetings. Board members also provide leadership to our four standing committees with other community members and approve each committee’s initiative.
How long are board terms?
Appointed board members serve a 2-year commitment to the SAPCC Board of Directors. Board members can expect to spend about 5 hours per month supporting community meetings and projects, with additional time for specific initiatives you become involved in.
Am I eligible?
Our Board is made up of up to five residents from South St. Anthony Park and up to five residents from North St. Anthony Park, elected by their neighbors.
The Board also appoints up to five business and organization representatives and two leadership representatives including area students and others developing leadership skills.
Any resident 16 years and older can vote for and run in SAPCC elections. Board members and resident voters do not need to be U.S. citizens or meet other eligibility requirements for municipal, state, or federal elections.
Who else is on the board?
Learn more about our current SAPCC Board of Directors on our webpage. Also, stay tuned on social media for introductions of each board member!
How else can I get involved?
There are many ways to make a difference with SAPCC! If you’re not interested in joining the Board, you can attend committee meetings to share your input on relevant community issues. With approval of the committee, you can be voted onto the committee at the third meeting you attend.
- Equity
- Environment
- Land Use
- Transportation
All board and committee meetings are open to attend and participate! If you’re interested in attending a committee meeting, please email for meeting details.