From our neighbors at Housing Equity Now St. Paul:

Whether Black or White, Asian or Latinx, immigrant or Indigenous, a student or a senior, renters belong in St. Paul. But, a growing number of corporate and predatory landlords are spiking rents to make more money and pushing our friends, family, and neighbors out of St. Paul because they can’t afford their housing. 

We have the power to change that! In St. Paul, we can organize and put our issues directly on the ballot so Housing Equity Now St Paul (HENS) is leading an effort to collect 10,000 signatures from registered St. Paul voters to put rent stabilization on the November ballot!  

We’re entering the final stretch, with less than two weeks to go, and we won’t meet our goal without YOUR support.

Unlike other ballot measure efforts, the Keep St Paul Home campaign is entirely grassroots, working on a shoestring budget. We’ve made incredible progress toward our goal thanks to tireless efforts from committed community organizers and volunteers, but we need your help to increase our reach and on-the-ground presence!

We know the final few weeks of a campaign are when the most people turn out. We’ve hit 40% of our goal — so we know that we can get the signatures we need. But only if supporters like you sign the petition, share the urgency of this campaign with your friends and neighbors, and show up to volunteer and canvass. 

Take action this week so we can Keep St Paul Home for everyone! 

  • If you’re a St. Paul resident
  • If you don’t live in St. Paul
    • Follow us and amplify our campaign on social media
    • Reach out to friends and family who live in St. Paul to make sure they’ve signed the petition 
    • Donate to the campaign 

Housing justice can’t wait! Learn more and get involved at