The Land Use Committee interacts with developers in the community first. Developers present their proposed projects to the Land Use Committee for an initial community weigh-in before the process continues. Land Use looks at sustainability and affordability as major factors when reviewing projects. Are you a developer interested on getting on the agenda? Contact us.
The Land Use Committee meets every first Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm via Zoom. These meetings are open to the public.
If you would like to propose an agenda item for the Land Use Committee to discuss, please email two weeks prior to the meeting. Community members, businesses and others requesting or responding to a variance are encouraged to reach out and share their thoughts.
Minutes from previous meetings are archived to read online.
Development Guidelines
The Land Use Committee serves as the body through which our Council discusses development in the neighborhood. In order to encapsulate the values our neighborhood cares about in real estate development, the Land Use Committee created Development Guidelines. These guidelines help us start conversations with developers on creating community-oriented developments that will thrive in the area and contribute the vibrancy and livability our neighborhood enjoys. The following document reflects criteria that the Land Use Committee will use to discuss and evaluate developments in the neighborhood: Unified Design Guidelines.
Variance Application Requirements:
The Land Use Committee makes recommendations to the City of St. Paul in the form of letters of support or dissent on variances, vacations, and other modifications to a property site that fall outside of code. The Committee hears the request of the property owner and makes a recommendation based off of the discussion and any follow-up research necessary. For more information on variances, go here.

Please come prepared to the meeting with:
- The ID of requested variance copy of city form
- Photo(s)
- Site plans
Please contact staff to get on the agenda at least one week before the meeting and give above information to staff to distribute to Land Use members at least two days before the Land Use meeting and offer letters of support detailing efforts to communicate with neighbors before the Land Use meeting.
Read about our neighborhood’s Current Development Projects.
District 12 hosts a historic district as designated by the Heritage Preservation Commission. To read about the guidelines for development in the University/Raymond Historic District, read the HPC’s guidelines here.
Land Use Goals:
- Complete a common set of enforceable development guidelines by with Prospect Park, Towerside, and CEZ aligned with the SAPCC 10-year plan.
- Create a mechanism to ensure all developers utilize the development guidelines.
- Continue membership and participation in the Towerside Innovation District. Participate in the Towerside Eco-District effort. Work with the CEZ to determine if the CEZ should participate in a joint Towerside/CEZ Eco-District.
- Work with CEZ and PED to promote economic development and job creation in South St. Anthony Park by identifying and implementing tools to encourage what is sometimes called artisanal or urban manufacturing or maker space in the underutilized industrial properties in CEZ.
- Connect with other neighborhoods in the arts district.
- Proactively participate in planning of the new park (Westgate Commons) on the Weyerhaeuser site and connection to Pelham Blvd.
- Work with CEZ to develop the concept and process for a SSAP town center in the Raymond Station neighborhood node area.
- Work with new developments such as the Luther Seminary Lower Campus development to ensure neighborhood desires and concerns are heard and addressed during planning for the development.
- Work with Como Avenue businesses to support retail activity in the Como/Carter neighborhood node.