November 15, 2022: Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for the Annual Meeting. We heard from our Committees about the work they have been doing this year, got an update on the Foundation’s finances, heard about other joint partnership work Council and Foundation staff have been leading, and had a wonderful introduction to the International Institute’s work. We look forward to continuing our work with the Foundation and our other partners in the year to come.


October 18, 2022: After accidentally scheduling our meetings on the same night in 2021, the Saint Anthony Park Community Foundation and the Saint Anthony Park Community Council decided to team up for an evening of information on both organizations. Each will provide their highlights for 2022, shared partnership work and priorities for 2023. This virtual meeting can be accessed using the link below – including call in options for those without access to internet.

About - International Institute of Minnesota

This year, we are excited to welcome the International Institute to share about about their work and how the council and foundation can continue our goals of equity and access in our neighborhoods.

If you have any questions, please contact Hope to see you there!

Joint SAPCC/SAPCF Annual Meeting – Thursday, Nov. 11, 2022 7PM

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 943 1393 6880 Passcode: 361515

One tap mobile+13126266799 | ID94313936880# | 0# | 361515# US (Chicago)


Land Acknowledgment

Welcome and Staff/Board Introductions: Name/pronouns, organization, role/committee

Community Introductions: Name/pronouns, organization (if applicable) & favorite community asset

SAPCF Annual Review: Strategy Priorities, Grant Program, 25th Anniversary Endowment Fundraiser

Community Partnership Projects: Joint projects with the Foundation, Council, Creative Enterprise Zone and Park Bugle

SAPCC Annual Review: Committee Year End Reviews & Upcoming Goals, Board Candidate Introducations, and Fundraising

Guest Speaker: International Institute (with Q & A)

Asset Map Reveal Link/QR Code
