On behalf of the St. Anthony Park Community Council (SAPCC), we want to extend our condolences to the family of Michael Brasel, a beloved father, husband, neighbor, friend and youth hockey coach, who was murdered this past weekend in North SAP. 

Thankfully, gun violence is a rare occurrence in St. Anthony Park. It is, however, a deeply felt tragedy wherever it occurs.  Mr. Brasel had deep, long-time roots in Saint Anthony Park and the grief at his death is shared widely. 

A GoFundMe account was set up for those who want to support the Brasel family. 

The Saint Paul Police Department urges anyone with information or potential video from external cameras to call 651-266-5650.

SAPCC will hold space during our Board meeting Thursday, May 11th from 7-9pm for community members to share their stories and concerns. Commander Stacy Murphy will be available to listen and answer questions. The meeting will be held via Zoom and all are welcome. 

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94313936880?pwd=MVVwU2xGTkJGVE1YM1g2Z2Z5UGhHdz09 Meeting ID: 943 1393 6880 Passcode: 361515