Dear Neighbors,

Here are two invitations from Transition Town!

Transition Town All St Anthony Park will host two one-hour POETRY READINGS to celebrate National Poetry Month, and to learn more about this vibrant international movement alive in our neighborhood:

  • MONDAY APRIL 10, 7 pm, come to MICAWBER’S BOOKSTORE on Carter Ave in Milton Square to hear poems by ALICE DUGGAN, MARY EASTER, DAVE HEALY and MIMI JENNINGS Open Mic to follow—if you have a reading or poem on a transition theme, either your own or another’s, that you’d like to share, please bring it along. We’ll hear as many as we have time for.
  • TUESDAY APRIL 25, 6 pm we’ll read at THE DUBLINER PUB on University at Vandalia CARMON JOHNSON, NAOMI COHN and ERIC TU will join ALICE, MARY, DAVE and MIMI. Stay afterwards for a performance of Irish dancing if you’d like.